Monday, October 29, 2007


Over these last two class periods we have tried to present stereotyping from a small scale classroom all the way to how the world showcases stereotyping. It is obvious from our class discussions, activities, videos, ads, etc. that stereotyping is all around us and each one of us, in some way, also is guilty of stereotyping. So how do we end this? As teachers, it is our responsibility to inform our students and give them correct information about cultures because the bottom line is, knowledge is power and knowledge is the only way we can end stereotyping. It is our job to give our students this knowledge and put an end to this tranquility.


Dear Disney,

I have always been a huge fan of Disney movies dating all the way back to Aladdin and throughout my younger years remember waiting in line for other movies such as Beauty and the Beast, Lion King, Peter Pan, Little Mermaid, and even Mulan, but it took till I was an adult really to understand what takes part during these movies. As a class activity, I examined these movies more closely, especially the songs sung during the movie and found many, if not all, were extremely racist and had hundreds of stereotypes evident in them. As a child I sang these same exact songs and constantly got them stuck in my parent's heads, but it took till now for me to understand what I was saying and how wrong these lyrics really are.

Monday, October 22, 2007

I wish I was a girl.....sometimes

It was cool autumn day as the fall leaves glistened in the sunlight and there I was a mere 48 inches tall all dressed up in my hoody sweatshirt and jeans. I was five years old when I first had a glimpse of the forbidden fruit that would plague me for all of eternity. My older sister, Colleen, a true Irish name was part of the world-reknown River Dance Company and was the center of attention at every fair and theater we traveled to. "I want to dance," I would say to my parents, "I want to dance." My heart yearned for the attention and rythem of fire beneath my feet, but I was a boy and this would turn out to be my downfall, my cross I would have to bare.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Multi-genre papers, Chpt. 14

I would have to say that this chapter raised a question that I've been faced with before, what it the most appropriate way to write? I believe that they said it best that both styles have a place in the classroom and this is true because of many reasons. Multi-genre papers are wonderful means of writing, but traditional research papers often times have a very strong "paradigmatic voice that argues and illustrates and extends thinking in a logical progression of language and ideas" (89). Both styles of writing do have a place in our curriculum and therefore both serve an extremely important part in our classrooms.