Monday, October 29, 2007


Over these last two class periods we have tried to present stereotyping from a small scale classroom all the way to how the world showcases stereotyping. It is obvious from our class discussions, activities, videos, ads, etc. that stereotyping is all around us and each one of us, in some way, also is guilty of stereotyping. So how do we end this? As teachers, it is our responsibility to inform our students and give them correct information about cultures because the bottom line is, knowledge is power and knowledge is the only way we can end stereotyping. It is our job to give our students this knowledge and put an end to this tranquility.


ruggermichigan3 said...

First, we can stop the stereotyping we can try to get know people first rather judge on them on certain things or actions. The first step is to realize it and to recongize it to move beyond the stereotype.

ruggermichigan3 said...
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Shannon said...

How can we address stereotyping without potentially reinforcing negative stereotypes? This is difficult to do in a positive way. I think our group gave us a few ways in, but we ought to proceed with caution all the same. Good luck as you consider these topics for your own classroom.